Video marketing has become one of the most effective and influential ways advertising company brands and products online. Hundreds of promotional video clips are produced and published in video hosting platforms such as YouTube every day. The main aim of posting these video clips is to create awareness about a product, company or brand, and this increases sales as well as visibility online. The reason why video marketing is effective is due to the fact that, audio-visual promotion content is captivating and passes the intended message a lot quicker than text.
The most commonly produced promotional videos are explainer videos, product reviews and how-to videos. Although video marketing may be effective, it only serves its purpose if done in the right way. Considering hundreds of promotional videos are uploaded every day, the only way to outdo the masses and win target customers over is by producing a clip worth watching, and on point. Discussed below are several video marketing tips and ideas to help you out.
- Create valuable and informative video content: The first idea behind video marketing is the ability to capture the audience’s attention. To do this, you will need to create a high quality/definition clip, as well as tell the audience what they need to hear. Be sure to pass the intended message within the first few seconds of the clip. This way, it (the message) will stick into the audience’s mind.
- Consistency: One promotional video is not enough to make an impact in the crowded internet market place. It is by being consistent in your marketing tactics that whatever you are promoting will see the light of the say, or else all the effort will be wasted. You need to create and upload as many promotional videos as you can, as this will keep existing and target audience glued, as they will want to see what next you have for them.
- Optimize Videos before posting them: Search engines in video directories do not ‘read’ whatever your video is about. It is upon you to optimize the video clip by including Meta tags and descriptions on what the video is about. The title too needs to be catchy and oriented considering this is what search engines will see, and so will the target audience. Optimizing the video clip when posting is one of the tip video marketing tips that every marketer should put in mind, otherwise the clip will only dissolve among the millions in video directories.
- Upload videos to as many vide directories as you can: This is the only way you can fast tract the video clip’s online visibility. Do not post the video on YouTube alone, upload the clip in Metacafe, Videoweed, Vidbux and many other video directories you can find. You can also upload the video clip in paid video directories if possible. You can be assured of increased exposure with the videos uploaded almost everywhere.
Get More Video Marketing Tips Here.
- Share the video clips in social sites: Social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google plus among many others are the perfect places you can fish target audience. Sharing the promotional videos in these sites increases your company/product’s exposure farther, and this means more audience will be logging into linked pages for more info. You can also request your friends and family to help you share the video clips, and this will increase online exposure and visibility.
- Create backlinks to and from the video clips: The call to action message at the end of each promotional clip is not enough. You need to give audience a solid link where they can click to log on to your products/company’s website. These are known as backlinks and they create a seamless web network for search engine crawlers to catch, and the more people click on the links, the higher your website will be ranked.
- Interact with your audiences: Video hosting directories allow audiences to post feedbacks, as well as rate them according to relevance. Be sure to follow up what audiences are saying about each video clip, and interact with them to find out what more they need to know. Doing this can create a customer base out of answering questions as well as help existing customers.
If you haven’t embraced video marketing to promote your business or products, chances are you are missing out big time. Use the video marketing tips and tricks discussed above to jump start your marketing campaign, and who knows, your company could be the next big thing.