Solo Ads tips in avoiding the tricks of a fool
One of the latest trends in driving attention to your online business is the solo ad. Until recently these have gotten very little publicity because those few who have benefited from them are reluctant to share the secret of their fortune with just everyone.
The reason that solo ads are so effective is that they are certain to command undivided attention – the only thing in the email’s content is the ad. It also means that you can instantly connect to your target audience and use this as a means of expanding your own client base.
Whether you are already using solo ads or are looking for solo ads tips on how to start, read on for 5 BIG SOLO ADS TIPS from those already successful in the solo ad campaign.
Tip 1: Only Buy from a Credible Market.
Because buying solo ads is such a convenient way to attract quality traffic to your offer there are naturally many charlatans and scammers out there preying on the uninformed. These will only send you some low quality traffic and then make off into the night with your cash, at best.
– Begin by buying a very small amount of clicks, say 50 to 100 tops, for testing purposes alone. This is essential when working with a solo provider for the first time. Testing the efficiency of a potential buyer is a good way to avoid a lot of money spent on nothing.
-Be naturally inquisitive and then some. Some important questions to ask are: Show me your sales page? How have you built your list? Can I see some testimonials? What percentage of tier 1 clicks can I count on from you?
-Trust your instinct when it comes to solo providers with seemingly excellent testimonials and unbelievable prices. Some common red flags to looks for are: no reputable reviews or referrals, no testimonials, unbelievably low rates for solo ads or Jaw-Dropping Promises.
-Use a reputable market or trusted solo ad provider. There are sites similar to “Solo Checker” that can help eliminate some of the scammers and give helpful suggestions on reliable providers. This can save a lot of time and heartache.
Tip 2: Choose the Way to Pay
In perfect world you will pay your solo ad provider and he will in turn provide you with the exact results you were expecting. This is not always going to be the case, and many experts advise protecting yourself from this by using a credit card for payment rather than the PayPal balance.
In the event of a PayPal dispute you will most likely lose, should the provider even respond, because buyer protection does not apply to the purchasing of digital products. If you choose to use you credit card you have greater chance of getting a favourable ruling however.
The way to do this is to select the “Don’t have a PayPal Account” option when prompted for a form of payment.
Tip 3: Create a Professional Ad Swipe
The Swipe is the email that you will be sending to a solo ad provider who will in turn send the ad to his or her list. The design and content of the swipe copy is crucial to the solo ad campaign. If the content is too lengthy, it is probably not going to be read in it’s entirety; if it is not interesting and engaging, the same. It is essential that you create something that will have people reading to the end.
The creativity and savvy to create a successful swipe files are a deciding factor in the solo ad industry. You must create an email that not only connects with the recipient but engages them to want to know more; to look into what is on the other side of the squeeze page.
You also want to keep it subtle and not attract many complaints and unsubscribes. That would be counter productive.
Tip 4: Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action
You are already making incredible progress just by incorporating solo ads into your marketing schemes. The ads you develop will be seen by a much greater audience of potential customers, but do not neglect your call-to-action. A good call-to-action will increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) sending traffic down the conversion funnel.
The call-to-action must be well designed and precise because it is one of the most important features of your site. This could be used in a variety of productive ways. One good option is, rather than convincing them to spend their cash on your product directing them to a squeeze page and making them a special offer in exchange for their email address.
Tip 5: Know Your Numbers
Last but not least in these top solo ads tips: Know the Numbers. Perhaps the largest fail rate belongs to the category of ad business people who simply didn’t know their numbers. This endeavor must be treated like the big business that it is. This means spending time analyzing the costs, learning the significance of a single click in relation to your entire strategy, how much each one earns you and from all these facts and figures forging a course that will elevate your enterprise to new levels.
Another factor is keeping track of the measurable successes and failures of each aspect of your campaign. Looking for weak links in the chain and troubleshooting will do more than simply work out the kinks it insures that the whole operation is successful, triumph is in the details in the industry.
So get out your calculator and take the time to count the cost of a click. This in itself can put you in the top 1% that does actually turn a successful profit in this business.
In Conclusion
Following these 5 solo ads tips will make launching a successful ad campaign with solo ads not as complicated as it sounds. Most people already have most of the skill sets necessary to start. It is very important to construct the campaign with as much attention to detail as possible because the world of online marketing is a fickle one and holding onto and gaining a larger client base means paying very close attention to the ebbs and flows of an unpredictable market.