Email Marketing Tips And Tricks – 3 Tips You Need To Use Everyday
You have probably heard about email marketing and how it is important to build a list when you are trying to create a company on the Internet. The ability to capture someone’s email address, after receiving permission from them to send additional emails, makes it possible for you to cut back on your regular ad spend when trying to drive targeted traffic to your products with the hope of making a sale.
Once you are able to add people to an autoresponder, and email them occasionally, you have an ability to build your business exponentially fast. Unfortunately, many people do the wrong things with their email list, a problem that causes many to become disenchanted with the prospect of generating a full-time income with a targeted email lists. In this article, we will present three specific email marketing tips and tricks that can help you take your email list to the next level.
Understand The Pattern
When people are sending emails, they often do things in the wrong order, or they may actually forget to follow a prescribed pattern for email marketing. What many people have done over the years is realized that there are certain emails that must be sent to subscribers, and they must be sent in a certain order, in order to generate the highest response rates. Whether you are trying to get people to purchase products that you are selling, or simply improve your click through rate for each email that you send out, all of this is possible when using the right pattern.
This pattern includes sending a welcome email, followed by a couple emails that provide good content, followed by an offer for a product that is extremely low-priced. The next four emails will include more content, a link to a video, a high-priced product link and then a product or service at a very affordable price point. By using this pattern for the first seven days of your emails, you will see a definite increase in the amount of sales that you will make in comparison to all of your prior attempts. It has something to do with the mindset of the individual, what they have been conditioned to receive from email marketers, and how they will typically respond based upon the pattern of emails that are sent.
Track Your Click through Rate
Second, all of the links that you provide need to be tracked and cloaked to some degree. Using a company like Aweber or Get Response, you are able to determine how many emails were sent out, how many people actually clicked on the links that you provided, and then compare that with the number of sales that you make. Sales and marketing really is a mathematical concept, based upon statistics and of course offering products and services that people actually would like to buy and own. By looking at all of your offers, and tracking the CTR for the emails that you send out, you can determine which series of emails is the most profitable.
Always Provide Quality Content
Finally, you always want to provide quality content when sending out emails. Instead of sending them to a PLR article that you have placed on your website, you might want to actually send them to a link on an authority site that provides them with excellent info. This will show that you are actually trying to research and provide good information for them to use, and once you do this, reciprocity will kick in, allowing them to be more open to purchasing the products that you will be talking about in subsequent emails.
By using the simple email marketing tips and tricks, you’ll start to see your CTR and monthly sales increase dramatically. Although there is much more to using an autoresponder, as well as crafting emails that convert, it’s enough to know this three-step system that will help you become more proficient and profitable this year using these email marketing tips and tricks.
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