Tips For Creating A Solid Facebook Marketing Strategy

Facebook Marketing Strategy

There are many people who have started using Facebook as a marketing tool for their business. While this is a great idea for the most part, there are some who are not going about things the right way. There is no way you should try this without creating a Facebook marketing strategy beforehand. The following article will help you do that.

One thing you should know is that being consistent is crucial when it comes to marketing on Facebook. If people feel your company isn’t offering enough, this is more than enough reason for them to stop following you. You may be so busy that it is difficult to log on each and every day, but try to aim for at least 3-4 times a week. In the event that you cannot do this, you should use software that will auto-post for you. Otherwise, you risk losing some of your fan base.

Create a contest if you are looking to boost the visibility of your business. You should never discount the popularity of contests, especially in an age where people love to share information. Try creating contests where fans are encouraged to share your business with others. Yes, you will have to produce a prize that makes it all worth it, but that is a small investment considering the amount of free advertising you will get.

Tag a fan every once in a while. People are so used to businesses treating them like they are just another dollar sign. By taking the time to acknowledge fans in your postings, people will know that they actually mean something to you. If possible, share some useful information that you found on one of your fan’s pages. Your audience may be used to companies wanting their attention, but it may surprise them to know that a company may be taking an interest in them.

This Facebook marketing strategy may feel like a recipe for disaster, but pay close attention to it. NEVER disable comments on your page so fans are not allowed to speak their minds. Many companies do this as a way to control the content that is posted, but it is actually a great way to let the public know that you don’t care about what they have to say. The best way to combat negative feedback is to have someone available to moderate your page. Fan will have more respect for you than they would if they were not allowed to post at will.

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Take advantage of the Facebook Reveal option. This is when there is content available to Facebook users, but they must like the page first. Most of the time they are so happy with the incentive offered that they don’t unlike the page after getting what they wanted. Since they are now official fans, this means that all of the posts you create will appear in their news feeds.

Learn how to connect with your fans while continuing to be a complete professional. There is an art to this, so pay close attention. You have to find ways to relate to the public and let them know you are human. Ways to do this include admitting mistakes, sharing personal photos and/or responding to messages left by your fans. All of these will remind fans that there is a person behind the brand. Professionalism should never be forgotten when you are trying to relate to fans since that can alienate a large number of people.

The last Facebook marketing strategy you should remember is probably the most important. Make sure that you make all of the content on your personal website likeable and shareable with Facebook. This can be done by adding Facebook “Like” and “Share” buttons to the pages in question. While these are both great ways to increase visibility, the “Share” button has more power. This is because people who like the shared information will be likely to pass it on to others.

Now that you have all of this information available to you, it is time to create a Facebook marketing plan that will lead to success. As long as you integrate all of this information into your plan, there is no doubt you will do well.

Facebook Marketing Mishaps You Need To Avoid

Facebook has become one of the most popular tools for marketing businesses. With that said, many people are not using it as well as they should. If your goal is to use the social media giant to boost your business, here are 10 mishaps you don’t want to make.

Social Network
Creating A Personal Account

There are many who sign up for Facebook and create a personal account on behalf of their business. This is a mistake because it will limit the number of people you are able to reach. While personal accounts are only permitted to have a certain number of friends, page likes are not restricted in this way, which means you will have access to more people. Besides, having a personal account means that users will have to sit around and wait for acceptance after sending a request.

You should also be aware that Facebook frowns upon people who use personal profiles for business purposes. The last thing you want is to create a huge following and you end up being terminated for not following the rules.

Avoid Shortened URLs

These seem to be a godsend when you are posting links that seem like they are longer than the Great Wall of China, but they actually do more harm than good. Many people are naturally suspicious of hitting links when they are not sure where they will end up. As a result, your shortened links will not receive as many clicks as you had hoped for. In case you are wondering what the difference is, longer URLs receive triple the clicks as their smaller counterparts.

Posting Irregularly

Everyone knows that you are a businessperson and you cannot spend all day posting on Facebook, but being very infrequent can lead all of your potential customers to look for what they want elsewhere. Ideally, you should create a post at least every other day. Anything less means that your company will take a hit. If you are struggling with time, there are actually websites that allow you to create content ahead and schedule their posting time.

Failing To Do Research

When sharing posts with the public on behalf or your business, you want to be sure that you are not providing anyone with erroneous information. There have been several companies who have posted content without fact checking and it had disastrous results. Do not tank your business because you did not take the time to do your homework. Everything you post needs to be factual, or you may have to face some very unpleasant consequences.

Promoting Your Business Excessively

It is not a secret that the point of creating a business page is to market to others, With that said, people do not want to feel like they are constantly being beaten over the head with promotional materials. The secret is to balance your marketing with other types of posts. If you don’t have anything compelling to share, try sharing posts from others that are relevant and likely to engage those you are targeting.

Trust me when I say this: Posting business materials all of the time will make people see you as desperate and all about the bottom line, and it can have a negative impact on your popularity.

Paying For Likes

This is probably one of the largest mistakes a business can make. People tend to do this because they believe it looks better when people reach your page and they see you have lots of fans, as opposed to just a few. Having a handful of legitimate likes is far better than having a barrelful of those you have purchased. In most cases, the ones you pay for are people who have no interest in your business at all, so you will be marketing your company to those who have zero interest in it, which is a total waste of time.

Writing Very Long Posts

You may have heard that this is the age of information, but that does not apply to the written word. Try your best to convey your message to your audience without using far too many words. Here is an example of what I mean:

Original Post: Come down to my business the day after tomorrow and take advantage of all the deals and discounts that will be available for the entire time the store is open.

Improved Post: Head to the store Tuesday for a killer sale. We will be there all day, so come on down.

Both posts have the same message, but the second one gets to the point with the reader getting bored someplace in the middle. The shorter the post, the more likely it is people will read it to the very end.

Offering Incomplete Information

You should make it a point to fill out every field on your page. It may take a little time, but it means that people will know how to get in touch with you if they wish. Everyone does not have the same communication preference and this will make it possible to please everyone. This part is especially important if you are running a business that primarily does business online. People will be very wary of those that have limited information available.

Disabling Comments

Facebook gives you the ability to disable comments, but you should never do it. If people head to your page to say something and they are not allowed to, the outcome will be bad. It will look like you are stifling their opinions and you don’t actually care what they have to say. Even if you get terrible comments, you should never stop being from being able to speak their piece.

Creating a Facebook account for your business should be an integral part of your marketing plan. This is something that is probably not as simple as you would like, yet it is necessary. Make sure that you don’t make any of the mishaps here if you want to have a positive experience.