Tips For Business Promotion Using Video Marketing
One of the most underutilized forms of marketing on the web is video marketing. Although it is gaining some amount of prominence in the last few years, very few people know how to properly use it for business promotions. Regardless of the type of business that you have, or what you are trying to achieve, the use of video has many positive benefits that will help virtually any business achieve top rankings and more visitors throughout the year. Here are some tips for business promotion using video marketing.
Why You Should Market With Videos
The first thing you should realize about videos is that, especially those that are uploaded to YouTube, they rank very well in the search engines. Specifically, YouTube videos rank very well on Google who owns YouTube. Therefore, if you are going to make videos that are going to target specific keywords, you will want to create videos that you can upload to YouTube so that you can achieve fast rankings.
The next thing you should know is that videos are not just videos. You can actually add entire articles, each focused upon specific keywords, helping you to rank even better. You can also add links, including outbound links, to the video description in order to help the search engine spiders determine their proper ranking. The more outbound links that you have, the easier it will be for you to achieve top rankings for almost all keywords that you target today. Of course, you can also add links in the video description pointing to your own website, allowing you to get the link juice and traffic from visitors once the videos have been indexed.
Business Promotion Using Video Marketing
Now that you have an overview of how to do video marketing, let’s look at how to use videos for business promotion. The easiest way to ensure that your video will lead people to your business is to use callouts on the video itself. These should be displayed at the bottom of the video, while the video is running, pointing directly to your URL. You should also have a URL posted at the end, white text on a black background, so that those that reach the end of the video will know where to go.
This URL should match the one that is in your video description at the very top of the description, allowing it to be a live hyperlink pointing directly to your website. If you have logos for your business, though should also be included, perhaps as graphics on the PowerPoint presentation that you are filming with a screen capture program. By adding all of these elements to a video, you will be able to focus their attention on what your business has to offer, and they will know exactly where to go during and after the video itself.
Business promotion using video marketing is very easy to do as long as you include all of these aspects into each video that you create. If you could have someone do this for you, perhaps an outsourcer that you have hired from a different country for a minimal amount of money, you can create hundreds of these every month targeting different keywords, helping you to generate more revenue and improve the exposure of your brand across the Internet.