10 Email Marketing Tips For Your Business
Email marketing is an excellent way to communicate with your customers and prospects. There are many email marketing tips that can help you get your list set up properly and help you communicate effectively with your subscribers. Make sure to take the time and effort to implement some of these strategies and tips that we are about to provide you with. Your effort will more than pay off if you do them correctly.
Post signup forms on your website, Facebook page andanywhere else where your fans and customers are active and where you are allowed to put up a form. Keep your sign up form simple with only a few fields to fill out. You may just want to ask for a first name and email address to get more signups. Another thing you can do is offer a free gift or incentive to anyone who signs up for your list.
Send A Welcome Email To New Subscribers
Welcome new subscribers to your list and let them know what they can expect from you. Let them know what kinds of emails you will be sending, such as weekly tips, daily deals, sales or company updates. You might also want to give your new subscribers some kind of gift such as a special offer, discount or other benefit as a way of saying thank you for joining your list.
Personalize Your Emails
Addressing your subscribers by their first name can make your emails seem more personal and friendly. If you include First Name as a field in your signup form your autoresponder service should give you the capability to dynamically insert first names to give your emails that personal touch.
Make Your Emails Enjoyable And Easy To Read
Use a casual and friendly tone in your emails. This will make your messages more interesting and enjoyable to read. Also break up your text into short paragraphs to make the emails easy to read and scan.
Send Out Emails On A Consistent Basis
If your publishing schedule is haphazard, most people will forget about being on your email list. If you publish on a consistent basis, it is more likely that your subscribers will open and read your emails. One potential schedule you might want to consider is sending out an email once a week on the same day. Then you can also send extra emails when you have important news, a sales or new product announcement or provide subscribers with special offers or discount codes.
Don’t Make Every Email A Sales Pitch
Although selling your products or services to your subscribers may be one of your main goals, don’t make every single email a sales pitch. If you do this people will stop reading your emails and unsubscribe from your newsletter. Offer interesting and valuable content as well so that you build rapport and trust with your subscribers. They will be much more likely to buy from you if you do this first.
Take Mobile Into Account
If your emails do not read well on mobile devices, you have a problem. You want all of your messages to be mobile-friendly. Use a
responsive email template for best results.
Be Aware Of Spam Rules
Be sure to review the CAN-SPAM act so that you know what you can and cannot email to avoid running into any problems. You cannot send out bulk emails. You are only allowed to email individuals who have asked to be on your list. Make sure every email has a clear unsubscribe link in it.
Review Your Stats On A Regular Basis
Most autoresponder services provide you with free reports that offer useful information. Make sure you take the time to learn how to read and interpret the reports. Pay close attention to your click and open rates to see if any patterns emerge.
Only Send Out Emails When You Have Something Interesting Or Important To Say
You need to send your subscribers interesting content, special offers, discounts and other material they are interested in. You need to have a plan ahead of time and establish what you want to achieve with your email newsletter.
Here Is Why The Fortune Is In The Follow Up
The fortune is in the follow up. Have you ever heard of that phrase? The chances are that you may have if you are in sales, or you may not have. However, you should become familiar with this phrase, so read on to find out more about why the fortune is in the follow up.
In case you don’t know, but following up is exactly what it sounds like. It is when you follow up with people, which means if you are in sales, then it can mean anything from calling on your former customers to checking up on new leads and potential leads. The follow up is a great way to stay in touch with a lot of people and on a regular basis. When you are in sales or even marketing, and you want to increase your sales, profits and customer base, then it is important to stay in touch with people.
One of the reasons why it is important to follow up with people is because you need to establish a level of trust with them. This is especially true if you are trying to do business with people. Think about it, if someone feels as if they are a stranger to you, then they may be hesitate to do business with you, even if they like what you are offering to them. In matter of fact, there have been studies done and these studies have revealed that it takes an average of 8-15 contacts before you can make a sale.
Following up is also important because let’s face it, people are very busy these days and they always have something going on. This means that one day they may say that they need to get something important done the next day and when the next day arrives, that important thing isn’t important any more and it is forgotten about. In other words, people have plans and those plans are always changing, and this is why you need to follow up with people. People can easily forget about you, but if you follow up with them a few times, then they could end up remembering you.
Let’s go over an example, such as you meet a person who is interested in what you are selling or providing, and you guys chat a little bit and everything seems to be going great. However, when they end up leaving, you don’t hear from them again, but they may be interested in what you’re offering, but your business is new to them, therefore they may not be quite ready to buy anything. In other words, they need to warm up to you and feel comfortably with you, and their trust level needs to increase.
Some people may have gotten so busy that they simply moved down making a purchase down their list of priorities. This is even if they seemed extremely interested in your product and seemed like they were on the verge of buying. This can happened regardless of whether or not they liked what you were offering, they loved the customer service and if everything seemed just perfect.
The thing is, when a person like that does something like this, it’s not that they have all of a sudden decided to not buy from you. It’s also not because they are disinterested. It could be down to being busy or they want to take a bit of time to get through the entire buying process. This leads us to the follow up.
When the above happens, you need to follow up. This can raise their level of comfort. It can help them move through the buying process, and eventually they will take the leap and do business with you.
When in sales, you need to re-engage people and reconnect with them. This is how they will remember you and you will remind them why they showed interest in your product. However, when you do follow up, you don’t want to do it in an annoying way, as it should be in a professional manner. You want to help your potential customers and not just act as if you want to make a sale off of the.
Now that you know why the follow up is so important, and that you need to do it in a professional way, you need to know a few ways and tips that can help you follow up the right way. Long story short, try to have something to give to the person that you’re following up with, such as a special discount that they can use in the future. You could even give them a code or a token that allows them to get something such as a coffee or meal for free, or if they are involved in an industry, then send them some articles you think they will like. Make sure the articles relate to the industry they are involved in.
When your contacts find out you have something for them, it means that you are focusing on them. Also, at this point, you are more like a friend than a stranger. This is good news for you because by this point, you have established a good business relationship with the person/persons you were following up with.
As you can see, the fortune is in the follow up for many reasons, which includes it helps to build trust, it engages a person and it increases your chances of making a sale. The fortune is in the follow up because it opens the door for repeat business with those you are following up with, and it may even lead to referrals, which means more business for you. With that said, make sure you are following up with your former customers, potential customers and new customers. If you want to find out exactly why the fortune is in the follow up, then keep this article in mind and start following up with people today.
Building a successful email list does take a lot of work. However, the effort you put into it will definitely pay off, especially if you follow the advice we provided you with in the above 10 email marketing tips. Treat your subscribers well, like they are friends or colleagues. Send them valuable content and always treat them with consideration and respect. If you take the time to build rapport and send them valuable information, your email newsletter will become very successful and profitable for you.
CLICK THIS LINK for more email marketing tips starting from today.
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