The Email Processing System is a digital product that claims to help you earn money from home by processing five emails a day. The product is creating quite a buzz on the market since the last couple of years. There are many positive reviews and some negative reviews about the product. Some people even claim it to be an outright scam. But you should not be in a hurry to judge the product as a scam without trying it out yourself or reading honest reviews about the Email Processing System (EPS). This article provides an honest review of the Email Processing System.
Any product promoted online will have its positive reviews as well as negative reviews from people who were unable to make money using the system. Even the best online product will not help you make money if you don’t do the work required by the program. There are no products that can make you a millionaire overnight if you are not prepared to put in the work stipulated in the product. This is where many people fail in their online business.
They imagine an online business to be a pyramid scheme where they are able millions of dollars without doing any work by themselves. In fact, an online business is quite similar to a real brick and mortar business. You have to work hard to make it a success. The success or failure of the business depends on the person who is behind the business. There is potential to make money from any online program if you keep at it and don’t give up halfway. This is true even with the Email Processing System.
The Email Processing System is a membership site where you are able to earn $25 as an affiliate. The program is not considered a multi level marketing (MLM) program since there are no levels in it. You buy the membership for $25 in order to become an email processor, and it is considered a direct sale. The buyer is making one payment of $25 to the referring affiliate.
This is not a pyramid scheme, but a legitimate way to earn affiliate commissions. Once your payment of $25 is processed, you will get immediate back office access to all their pre-written advertisements. These ads could be placed on classified advertisement sites in order to promote the product. You have 100% resale rights to the commissions you make through the program.
As a member of the Email Processing System, you get access to their back office and support staff. The EPS support staff will help you in your marketing efforts when required. The system will direct its members to post ads on Craigslist at least 3 times a day. The ads are 100% free and you will not be spending any money other than the $25 you pay when you join the program. The program advises all their members to post three ads on Craigslist between 7-10am Central since this is the busiest time to advertise on Craigslist. When a new member signs up, you will get a PayPal notification that you received $25.
All you need to do is send them a reply back letting them know how to get started. This is quite a short email, and you get $25 on every email you process. When someone goes to your site and signup for the program, you get paid $25 for processing the email and letting them know how to get started with the program. Anybody can participate in the program if they possess a PayPal account. The program is active worldwide, and anyone from any country can join it. The program is worldwide, and this is one of the advantages of it. You have a worldwide market to find affiliates for the program.
The $25 you pay for the membership of the program covers all training, ad copy and resell rights to the EPS system. Many reviewers of the program have said that they would gladly pay $25 for the Craigslist training video alone. In fact, the knowledge you get from this video alone is worth more than $25. Many customers of the program have found this Craigslist training quite valuable. The ad copy provided in the program is also highly valuable since it can be used to market many other similar programs.
There are so many people who have reviewed the program positively due to these important features. The Craigslist training provided in the program is used for numerous other marketing purposes. Once you are a member of EPS, you get 100% resell rights to the program. This allows you to earn 100% commissions from all the members you recruit. This is why many customers have reviewed the program positively. The people who are unable to understand this simple marketing process have discarded the program as being an outright scam.
In fact, the EPS system is not a scam in any way. It is a 100% legitimate business, and you have to put in some work to recruit affiliates to the program. The work is simple but there is some work involved. You have to process the emails for the customers you recruit to the program, and send them an email advising them how to get started in the program. This is what you need to do in order to make money using the EPS system. It is not a pyramid scheme since there is no down-line involved in recruiting members.
Even the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department agreed that the EPS program was in compliance to their rules and regulations. If it were a pyramid scheme, the program will not be approved by the aforementioned department. This is why you need not fear about the legitimacy of the program. It is 100% legitimate, and you will have to work hard to make it a resounding success.
The aforementioned article provides a comprehensive overview of the Email Processing System (EPS). It will help you make an informed decision when purchasing the program.