The Advantages Of YouTube Video Marketing
YouTube video marketing is quickly becoming the number one way of getting the message out to consumers about a new product or service. It is the largest video sharing site in the world, and it has the highest traffic and the largest number of users of any video site on the Internet. It has become the most definitive and effective site upon which to place your videos for exposure to the buying public.
Alexa, a marketing quantification firm, ranks YouTube as the second highest site in the world as far as pulling in traffic. Quantcast, which is a demographic evaluation site, estimates that over 60 million unique visitors a month visit YouTube, with most of them being gen Y viewers. This is a tremendous viewership with unbelievable market potential.
There are e18 languages that YouTube is optimized for, with a huge presence in the Asian markets. If you can have an ad or video placed on page one of YouTube, your ad or video will be seen by millions, and the exposure to that many people will cause a veritable explosion in the awareness of your product or service. A recent survey on YouTube viewership of these gen y people are that the view different YouTube venues on an average of 5 to 6 hours per day. This gives YouTube video marketing a huge slice of influence in any marketing or promotion that can target groups such as this.
A well done, targeted video can be tremendously successful in getting your point across, because once the viewer engages with what is being said or taught, there is much more personal bonding, due to the video itself being more detailed and expressive than any method of prose could ever be. Just the fact that a real person is speaking and interacting with the view, speaks volumes as to the effectiveness of the presentation. The viewer can follow along as the presenter makes his or her points, and the information is not only retained much more readily, but it can also be easily spread, which creates even more effectiveness for the dissemination of the information.
Another method that is highly successful in the way of YouTube video marketing is to embed a video in an email or in a website, and then market it to a list. Most marketers are intent upon building a highly qualified list of opted-in potential buyers, previous buyers and other identifiable individuals who are likely to be interested in subject matter pertinent to the marketer’s products or services. When the email is opened, or the website is viewed, the YouTube message is right there and adds immense value to the effort.
Being a successful YouTube marketer is more than just being able to technically get it done because if you are going to be effective, you have to be getting better at some skills that will enhance your presentation. One method to accomplish this is to simply eliminate yourself as the star of the show and make the subject matter be the focus. You can do this with a storyboard, or a PowerPoint presentation, which walks the viewer through a series of instructions. If you are a good storyteller, that is what really rivets viewers to the presentation, because everyone enjoys a good story. Illustrating your points with engaging photographs, or even historical videos, or illustrations to make your point are very effective ways to keep the viewer engaged.
It is wise to create a script before you shoot your video, at least make some bullet points so that you are creating a sequence of what you want to cover. Look at it from the standpoint of what you would like to see and hear about the subject matter, and you will be on the right track.
It is now coming to light, that if you are not using YouTube as one of your main marketing arm, you are really missing the boat. And if you are not number one on YouTube, don’t fret too much. The real key is getting the message out to your target market, your list, or to people who will be interested in your product or service. If you have a product that appeals to families who are interested in children’s musical development, that is the only niche that you will be focusing your YouTube marketing efforts on, not the entire YouTube community.
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